🌎 CMAS Games 2009. Primeras Informaciones
(Especial Sportalsub.net – Viernes 13 de Febrero 2009)
Faltando menos de 5 meses para la realización de la 2da Edición de los Juegos de la Confederación Mundial de Actividades Subacuáticas (CMAS Games), a efectuarse en Túnez, del 5 al 14 de Julio 2009 en donde se realizarán los Campeonatos Mundiales de Apnea, Natación con Aletas, Hockey Subacuático, Rugby Subacuático y Orientación Subacuática; es poca la información oficial que esta organización ha publicado o enviado a las Federaciones Nacionales que participarán en este importante evento.
En el sitio oficial de la CMAS únicamente aparece el evento listado en el Calendario: http://www.cmas.org/comspo/agenda/champdetails.asp?id=269, mientras que en la página oficial de la Federación de Actividades Subacuáticas de Túnez: http://www.fast.org.tn/ no se hace mención alguna al evento.
Esta falta de información en las páginas oficiales, así como por informaciones extraoficiales manejadas en la pasada Asamblea Extraordinaria de la CMAS realizada en Roma el pasado mes de Enero, indicaban que de no ser Túnez la sede de dichos juegos, estos podrían realizare en China, probablemente en el «Cubo de Agua», escenario donde se efectuaron las competencias de los deportes acuáticos de los pasados Juegos Olímpicos Beijing 2008.
Sin embargo, la propuesta de Túnez, como sede los Juegos CMAS 2009 cobra nuevamente vigencia, ya que el pasado martes 10 de febrero, el Presidente de la Comisión de Rugby Subacuático CMAS (Soren Neubert) envió en comunicado vía email a las federaciones participantes en esta modalidad, algunas informaciones referentes al desarrollo de esta modalidad, donde especificó las fechas de las competencias, así como las dimensiones y especificaciones técnicas de la piscina. En dicho comunicado además menciona que en próximos días la CMAS estaría publicando en su sitio web toda la información referente al evento.
De igual forma, el Presidente de la Comisión de Hockey Subacuático, ha publicado en el sitio web UnderwaterHockeyWorld.com información sobre la piscina y algunos costos del evento.
Sportalsub.net reproduce en forma textual ambas informaciones (en Inglés) y mantendrá informada a toda la comunidad de las actividades subacuáticas detalles de los CMAS Games 2009.
Por: Miguel A. Cedeño O. – miguel@sportalsub.net
Director-Editor Sportsub & Sportalsub.net – www.sportalsub.net
The suggestion is that all athletes stay in the town of Hammamet which is 35 minutes away and is by the sea and full of great hotels with pools etc..
I checked some cost and from the UK you can take a 10 days holidays in first class hotel half board including flights for around 500 Pounds ( expedia site)
the tournament fee I am pushing for a max of 1000 euro per team.More news to follow .but please understand that all official invitations will go to your federations that are registered with CMASAntoine
Presidente Comisión Hockey Subacuático CMAS
From: Søren Neubert <neubert@uv-sport.dk>
Date: 2009/2/10
Subject: Importen – CMAS Games 2009 in Tunesia (WC-2009)
Dear All
Distribute this information to all the needed Underwater Rugby contacts in your federation.
About the upcoming CMAS games in Tunesia we have the follow information to you. CMAS HQ is organizing all the logistic and application, so Please visit the CMAS Web page www.cmas.org frequently for more information and/or contact CMAS HQ or Pierre Dernier if any questions about the logistic, application, doping, accommodation, cost ect. The commission only arrange the gamearea, the game schedule, the referring and appointment of referees, and the work getting the uw-rugby games played and find a winner.
Accommodation will be organized to different hotels in Tunis. Quality level of hotels are 3 stars at minimum. CMAS group didn’t see any hotels.
Organizers will provide transportation from accommodation hotels.
Nothing confirmed yet, but it’s estimated that all prices will be higher than in Bari 2007.
Game pool
(Also see Photos attached)
Pool measurements are at surface 20m x 18m and at bottom 18m x 18m. Depth of water is 4,50m. Distance from water surface to exchange area surface is 0,30m.
The playing direction will be the same as in Bari, with the diving tower at the end of the playing direction, this because the bottom wall has an angel on both of the other sides.
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Training and warm up pools
For warm-up there is a 50m outside pool. It’s depth is from 1,8m to 2,5m. There is also a 25 m inside pool available. No one else than uw-rugby are in this pool complex.
These facilities was build in 1968 for Mediterranean games. Other sports are in facilities made in 2001 for Mediterranean games, but there is no deep pool in the new pool area.
Still needs to be checked before competition
• Pool’s bottom shape from construct plans (pool was filled high level chlorine when venues were checked by CMAS)
• Which kind of valves is used in diving tanks? (Referees can be informed which kind of regulators they’ll have to bring with them)
Some question and Answers
> – Hotels near by the pool (cheep)
We didn’t get any idea of this, because all they say was «Everything is okay and hotels will be at least 3 stars.» So I haven’t seen any by myself (Riku Riikonen).
> – Transport in Tunisia airport-hotel (we will probably arrive in Monastir airport/tourist airport)
It’s arranged, but no detailed information yet.
> – Water included during competition days?
No detailed information yet.
> – Which days will UW-rugby be played?
> – Date for closing ceremony and banquet
Opening ceremony 7th of July.
UWR Training 9th of July.
UWR Games from 10th to 14th of July.
Closing ceremony 15 of July.
> – Participation fee (with and without lodging)
No detailed information yet.
> – Pool size and «additional features»
Pool is 20x18x4.5m (Games size will be aproxx 16x18x4.5m)
> – Baskets/Goals (will we bring them from EU)
I suggested that goals are imported from Sweden as them we used in Bari. If the cost is not covered by CMAS, I will organize the payment as President for the UW-Rugby commission.
> – Signal equipment (will we bring them from EU)
UWR Commission will provide two equipments by Soren Neubert.
> – Registration (can we submit names and photo in advance to avoid
> waiting for this on site*)
No detailed information yet.
> – CMAS licences (last day for registration players)
No detailed information yet.
> – Antidoping (which for to use for Exemptions [TUE], in national okay)
No detailed information yet. I hope it’s mainly WADA’s so CMAS are not organizing anything special by themselves.
If any other questions about the logistic please ask CMAS HQ or Pierre Dernier, the UWR commission is not involved with logistic and accommodation, and we do not get any more information than the federation.
Best regards Soren Neubert / UW-Rugby commission president
Piscina de saltos
Última actualización: 1 septiembre 2019